Guide for Five Nights at Freddy's: Sister Location

Posted by Fernande Dalal on Tuesday, June 11, 2024

During the course of Five Nights at Freddy's Sister Location, you will need to be jumpscared by every animatronic in order to unlock the achievement "Meet The Cast". This includes the animatronics only available in custom night, so it will likely be one of the last achievements you earn. I decided to put this achievement first to make sure you keep in mind that you need to be jumpscared by each animatronic throughout the game. As we go through each night, I will make sure to mention what animatronics you need to be jumpscared by on that specific night. After being jumpscared by all animatronics, you will unlock:

Now, with that out of the way, we can start with the actual nights in the walkthrough.

Night 1

Night 1, as in all FNAF games, is quite easy. It is impossible to be killed on Night 1, and therefore there are no animatronics that you will need to be jumpscared by on Night 1. At the start of the night, you will be on an elevator descending into the Sister Location. Once the elevator comes to a halt, open the elevator door pressing the red button and climbing through the vent. Once you reach the primary control module, HandUnit will tell you to check on Ballora with the light and then administer a controlled shock. HandUnit will then tell you to do the same thing with Funtime Foxy. After summoning both Funtime Foxy and Ballora to their respective stages with a controlled shock, you will be told to crawl through the vent in front of you to reach the circus gallery control module. Once you reach the circus gallery control module, repeat the same process you went through with both Funtime Foxy and Ballora in order to summon Circus Baby to her stage. You may notice that the HandUnit will tell you that Circus Baby has made it to the stage, but she's not actually there. Regardless, you can exit using the vent behind you, completing your first night. After completing the first night, you will unlock:

After watching a short cartoon at your house and listening to a short cutscene, you will be sent back into the elevator intermission screen as Night 2 begins.

Night 2

On Night 2, you will need to be jumpscared by 3 animatronics for the "Meet The Cast" achievement. These include:

  • Bidybab (Under The Desk)
  • Ballora (Ballora Gallery)
  • Funtime Freddy (Breaker Room)

Bidybab section

Once Night 2 begins, follow the same process as Night 1 to reach the primary control module. You will once again be told to check on Ballora and Foxy before crawling to the circus gallery control module. Once you attempt a controlled shock on Circus Baby, there will be a power malfunction, causing HandUnit to reboot the system, momentarily putting him offline. This will trigger a dialogue with Circus Baby, who will advise you to hide under the desk to avoid Bidybab. Once you crawl under the desk, you will need to grab a metal barrier from the left corner, and drag it towards the right side until it completely covers the open space in order to shield yourself from Bidybab. After some time passes, Bidybab will attempt to reach you by pulling the metal barrier away. You will need to grab onto the metal barrier and hold it, in order to slow the progress of the barrier being opened. After awhile, Bidybab will give up momentarily, before shortly trying again. After Bidybab fails for the second time, she will give up, which will trigger some dialogue from Bidybad and then Circus Baby.

Ballora Gallery section

After fending off Bidybab, Circus Baby will tell you that the HandUnit will claim he was unsuccessful in rebooting the system, and you will therefore need to reboot the system manually. Furthermore, she explains that HandUnit will try to mislead you, telling you that you must run through Ballora gallery in order to not disturb her. She states that if you listen to these directions from HandUnit, you will die, and that instead you should go slowly, listening for Ballora's music and stopping when she approaches near you. Crawl back through the vent to reach the primary control module, and then crawl through the vent to reach Ballora's gallery. As you go through Ballora's Gallery, HandUnit will try to pressure you to move faster, but you should remain moving slow until you reach the Maintenance Panel.

Breaker Room section

After crawling through Ballora's gallery, you will reach the breaker room with Funtime Freddy. You will need to use the maintenance panel interface to restart the power in all rooms in the Sister Location. In order to put yourself in the least amount of danger, I would recommend restarting one room, then immediately closing the maintenance panel and playing the audio sound to appease Funtime Freddy and reduce the danger level to green before restarting the next room. I would recommend waiting for awhile and playing the audio sounds a few times to make sure Freddy has fully reached his original position, that way you will be able to fully complete a room without being jumpscared. After manually restarting all rooms, crawl back through Ballora's gallery to finish the night. After reaching the end of Ballora's gallery, you will unlock:

After watching a short cartoon at your house and listening to a short cutscene, you will be sent back into the elevator intermission screen as Night 3 begins.

Night 3

On Night 3, you will need to be jumpscared by 3 animatronics for the "Meet the Cast" achievement. These include:

  • Funtime Foxy (Focus Area)
  • Bon Bon (Parts & Service)
  • Funtime Foxy (Focus Area; End of Night Three)

Funtime Foxy section

After doing your usual tasks of checking on Ballora and Foxy, HandUnit will tell you to navigate towards funtime auditorium and that there is no need to check on Circus Baby. If you choose to navigate to circus gallery and go under the desk, Circus Baby will give you some dialogue explaining some lore, but it is not necessary to complete the night.

Instead, enter the right vent and make your way towards Funtime Auditorium. Once inside the Auditorium, you're going to follow this pattern: run, not walk, 6-7 steps. Then, stop and flash the beacon. If Funtime Foxy is not there, then repeat this process again. However, if Funtime Foxy is there, stop and flash the beacon until he disappears from your view. Repeat this process until you reach the end of the hallway.

Parts and Service Section

Once you reach Parts and Services, you will need to press buttons on Funtime Freddy's faceplate. The order you will need to press the buttons in are: right cheek, (Funtime Freddy's right) left cheek, right eye, and above the nose. Finally, you will need to press the button under his endoskeleton jaw. Then, you can grab the node inside of his chest cavity. Finally, you will need to grab the secondary power module from the bonnie hand puppet (also known as bonbon). In order to catch him, you will need to focus on Freddy's chest, waiting for bonbon to appear behind his body. Once bonbon shows himself, quickly press the button under his bow tie.

Focus Area

After finishing your task in Parts and Services, make you way back through Funtime Auditorium. You do not need to worry about Funtime Foxy, as there is a scripted jumpscare at the end of the hallway regardless of what you do.

After being jumpscared by Funtime Foxy, you will be captured and taken to a springlock suit, which will begin Night 4, unlocking:

Night 4

On Night 4, you will only need to be jumpscared by 1 animatronic for the "Meet the Cast" achievement, which is the minireenas.

This night is where the game starts to become pretty difficult. Night 4 will likely take quite a few attempts so you will need to be patient.

Springlock suit

You will start the night inside a springlock suit. After listening to some dialogue and watching Ballora get scooped, the night will begin. You will need to wind up each spring lock while also dealing with the minireenas. At first, you will be able to comfortably wind all springlocks to full or nearly full, but as the night progresses it will progressively get more difficult to keep the springlocks wound. Additionally, you will need to wiggle occasionally to remove the minireenas climbing up your suit, but be wary that wiggling will cause your springlocks to loosen. The minireenas that climb into your suit from the middle can be ignored, as that is simply a visual affect. Now, as for the actual specific strategy to complete this night, you should follow this guide:

You want to go top to bottom starting on the left side then bottom to top on the right side then go back to the top left and continue the cycle. I recommend holding down A for the whole night and using both joysticks to get to each side as fast as possible.

At 2 minutes 20 you should wind them until they are about 1/2 of the way winded or about barely before they turn red; then at the last 10 seconds, just wind the ones that are about to reach 0. You should turn on a timer so you know when to do what.

Do not wiggle the minireenas off until one of them is at the very top. For about 2 minutes you want to keep the locks at around max, but once two minutes hits that starts to be impossible, so you should start putting them about 3/4 of the way winded.

After approximately 3 minutes, the night will conclude, and you will be sent home for the night, unlocking:

Night 5

On Night 5, you will need to be jumpscared 3 different ways, but by the same animatronic for the "Meet the Cast" achievement. These include:

  • Ennard (Parts & Service; Repairing Baby)
  • Ennard (Focus Area)
  • Ennard (Private Room)

There are two different endings for Night 5, the real/bad ending and the fake/good ending. We will first cover how to get the real ending.

Night 5 will begin as usual, you will head down on the elevator and enter the primary control module. Once inside, go through the right vent and climb through Funtime Auditorium. Funtime Foxy is not a threat on Night 5, so you don't have to worry about being jumpscared by them.

Fake Ending

-Parts and Service

After arriving at Parts and Service, HandUnit will tell you that Circus Baby is deactivated, and you will need to make sure that she is structurally stable. After some dialogue, you will need to press the button above Baby's right cheek, which is your left. This will open a keypad, where you will have to enter a random code that changes every run of the Night. The keypad configuration is a standard one that you would see on your cellphone. Keep in mind that you only have a certain time window to press the digit baby has said, otherwise you will be jumpscared. After correctly punching in the code, you will be told by Baby to grab the chip on her right arm, and then press the green button on the bottom left of the screen to send her through the conveyer belt.

-Funtime Auditorium

Once you reach Funtime Auditorium, you will be stalked by Ennard. In order to avoid being jumpscared you will need to follow Circus Baby's directions exactly as she tells you. She will tell you to move forward, stop, and go forward and left. After following Circus Baby's instructions you will escape the Auditorium and enter the Scooping Room.

-Scooping Room

Once you reach the scooping room,

you will unlock:

Real Ending

The real ending is far more complicated and difficult to accomplish than the fake ending, but I will do my best to explain the optimal strategy.

Circus Baby Mini Game

The first step in obtaining the real ending is completing the Circus Baby mini game in order to obtain the key needed to access the private room. To access the mini game, you will need to complete all 5 nights and get the fake ending. Then, go to the main menu, select the extras menu, and then hover over the bottom left corner. Once the game begins you will need to grab the pink cupcakes and feed the first two children you see. Then in the next section, feed the two children standing on the top platforms two pink cupcakes each. Then, jump from the top right platform that the child is standing on so you can avoid grabbing the blue cupcake. Then, in the next section, feed the first child standing on the platform in the front. After that, go back and grab the blue cupcake and immediately go back to the right. You will then need to feed the three children standing on the platforms with the blue cupcake. To do this, stand in between the first and second flower and jump to maximum height to feed the children. Next, continue moving to the right and carefully jump over the green cupcake by standing on the edge of the platform and then jumping over it. In the next section, repeat the same process with the blue cupcakes as before, standing between the two flowers and jumping to feed the children the blue cupcakes. After that, return to the green cupcake and then start walking over to the left. Eventually, you will reach the three kids you left behind on the ground. Throw a single green cupcake towards the three children, which will feed all three of them. After that, make your way back over to the right until you reach the area where you used the last of your blue cupcakes. You will need to jump over the pit otherwise you will fall into the hole on the next screen. After reaching the platform with 2 children, use another green cupcake to feed both of them. After that, do the same exact thing on the next screen as there are another two children. Finally, you will need to grab the cupcake on the end screen and make your way back to the very beginning of the level. The timing for this level is pretty tight, so you may die a few times before you're able to successfully make it back to the beginning of the level in time. After returning to the beginning of the level, you will get a short cutscene and will be given the private room key. After completing the mini game, you will earn:

The Private Room

After completing Circus Baby's minigame, you will need to complete Night 5 again. Follow the same process of beating Night 5 as before until you reach the Funtime Auditorium once again. Ennard will once again tell you to go left, but as we know from our fake ending run this is a trap that will get you killed. Instead, walk forward and right until you enter the private room. Once you have entered the private room, you will have a short introduction from HandUnit explaining that you will not be allowed to leave until the clean up crew arrives at 6 am.Once he stops, at around 93% battery Baby will start to talk to you, but ignore her as much as you can. One hour is 1 minute and 30 seconds each.

12am to 4am:

If you hear Ennard on the right or the left, wait until you hear him move again on the left or the right. If he moves into the middle, wait like the right and the left. If he moves again on the left or the right or in the middle, then look at the camera at whatever side you hear him from. The next noise you hear from either side or in the middle, check the camera and if he is outside the door close the door, if he isn't don't close the door until he is, however if he is in the middle, DON'T check the camera and just close the door straight away. Once you hear another noise anywhere and he was just outside your door, open the door straight away. Sometimes Ennard's noises can be super faint that you can barely even hear them. Sometimes Baby can talk over his movement and if you think you hear him move, check the cameras just in case. Try not to use a lot of battery because it drains super quickly.

Battery from 1-4am:

86% at 1
70% at 2
53-52% at 3
40% at 4

4am to 6am:

At 4am, Baby's voice will be replaced by William Afton's dead daughter. As always, ignore it. But you must not ignore Ennard! Use the same strategy with 12-4am when he moves from one place to another, but if you hear him move a second time anywhere, close the door before you check the cameras because he can charge at the room and if the door is open when you check him outside a door, there is no escape and you will die no matter what.

Battery from 5-6am:

21% at 5
5-1% at 6

If you are so close to running out of battery, be careful. Once the power goes out, you can only hope that Ennard had moved far away from you before it drained because if Ennard was outside one of your doors when the power went out, you will die instantly. You will know when you've won when Baby says: "I will find a way out." and when the screen fades black.

After completing the Private Room, you will unlock the real ending achievement:

Custom Night

Once you have both endings completed, you will unlock Custom Night. There are only two achievements concerning custom night, one is relatively easy while the other is considered extremely difficult.

In order to unlock the "You Won't Die" achievement, you will need to complete all the challenges on very hard difficulty in order. I will not go into detail on how to beat each individual challenge, as the starting menu gives a good explanation on the mechanics of each animatronic. After completing each challenge, you will be given a cutscene. After completing Angry Ballet-Top Shelf on very hard, you will unlock:

After that, the only thing left is to complete Golden Freddy Mode on Very Hard. By this point, you should have some experience on how to handle all of the animatronics through the various challenges previously. However, in Golden Freddy Mode every animatronic is active and set to 20. This makes the challenge seem extremely daunting, but you just need to dial in on the information you need. The key in this mode is to constantly keep track of various movements/audio queues happening in the background. As for the actual strategy of the night, here is a quick breakdown on the most efficient way to handle every animatronic:

Funtime Foxy:
-You need to see his pirate cave to delay his advance, if he manages to escape he will hit your right door (In case it is closed) taking you approximately 2% of energy.
It is enough to check him by the security cameras ONCE ONLY after you have taken care of the Minireenas and Electrobab.

Funtime Freddy:
-You have to track his footsteps to find out which closet he is in.
If he announces a surprise he will send Bon-Bon to attack you from the opposite side, you can wait about 3 seconds before closing the corresponding door to save some energy.
Sometimes it will change location and at the same time say that Bon-Bon is on his way, which will prevent the latter from being able to advance to you. During that time there is no danger and this serves as an advantage for you to deal with other threats.

-Don't close the door of the corridor where she is coming from unless her music is very loud, otherwise she will remain outside your office and will take a long time to retreat, making you expend more energy than necessary.

-She will walk around your office every time you lower the camera panel and you have to press her nose to prevent her from attacking you. If you hold the cursor by where Fredbear's stuffed animal is, you can always deactivate it in time.

-Remove them with a controlled discharge to allow you to passively recover oxygen.

-She will say 2 sentences before making a characteristic metallic clang, which indicates that she is about to enter the vent. Ironically it is much less aggressive at its highest difficulty level.

-It will spawn at the same time as the Minireenas (Unless you break its pattern of appearance) and will also retreat with a controlled discharge, its location will be the opposite closet from where Funtime Freddy is.

-Undoubtedly the most troublesome of them all. Every time he appears in your office he will start draining oxygen excessively and you will have a few seconds to react before he attacks.
It is preferable that you raise the camera panel only when necessary, so you can decrease the amount of times you will have to deal with it.

Minireenas 2:
-At first they may seem like a big problem, but all they do is limit your visibility in the office. After mastering the Yenndo and Bonnet mechanics you will learn to ignore them.

-It's best not to ignore it as its interference will prevent you from using the cameras and increase the risk of receiving an unforeseen attack by Yenndo and Bonnet, not to mention that the sound can cause you to lose track of Funtime Freddy and have difficulty knowing if Ballora or Bidybab are nearby.

It's important to note that if you purchased this game on Xbox, it is available for you to play on Windows with achievements via installing it through the Microsoft store. The reason I mention this is custom night is a lot easier to complete with a mouse and keyboard than a controller (in my opinion).

After completing Golden Freddy mode, you will unlock:

After that, you should have all achievements! Enjoy your 1000 gamerescore and bragging rights for completing a super tough game!

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