How late can you plant grass seed in Chicago?

Posted by Fernande Dalal on Monday, June 17, 2024

Planting Grass Seed in Illinois. Planting grass seed in Illinois should be done between August 15 and October 1. Seeding in late summer/early fall provides warm soils, cool temperatures, and autumn rains that create a good environment for seed germination.Click to see full answer. Correspondingly, when can I put grass seed down in Chicago?August. Mid- to end of August is the best time to seed bare areas of lawn, overseed thinning grass, or lay down sod. When seeding lawns, use grass seed appropriate to your site. The best choice for most lawns in northern Illinois is a mix of Kentucky blue grass, perennial rye, and fescue seeds.One may also ask, can I plant grass seed in November in Illinois? You are describing dormant seeding, where grass seed is planted late in fall so it stays dormant until spring. For northern Illinois, the time to dormant seed would be the last week of November. The seed should be planted so there is good seed to soil contact. Also question is, how late can I overseed? The Turfgrass Water Conservation Alliance service recommends overseeding at least 45 days before your average first fall frost. In southern areas, overseed thinning lawns in late spring, as warm-season grasses enter active growth. For winter color, overseed southern lawns in fall.Will grass seed grow if you just throw it on the ground?If you simply throw grass seed onto compacted soil, you will get poor germination. If you have bare spots, I think it would be worth the effort to scratch these up so that the seeds make good soil contact when they land there.
