How to complete Operation Midas in Destiny 2 Season of the Haunted

Posted by Sherie Connelly on Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Destiny 2 Season of the Haunted has ushered in a lot of new content. With Derelict Leviathan returning to the new Solar 3.0 rework, the game's current season has many activities that Guardians can participate in.

With each new season in the game, the developers release a new storyline along with new storyline missions. This is how every new season of Destiny 2 begins, and Operation Midas is the opening quest for the Season of the Haunted in Destiny 2.

A beginners guide to Operation Midas in Destiny 2

Like many other missions in the game, Operation Midas doesn't stray from the tradition of making players go places and do things. On this mission, Guardians will have to jump aboard the Derelict Leviathan to find out why it has reappeared in the first place.

Moreover, Eris Morn sent a disruptive frequency the moment this ship was spotted again. But to her surprise, the Pyramid on the Moon responded. The mission's basic idea is to investigate why the Derelict Leviathan has come back and how it is connected to the Pyramid on the Moon. This mission is not at all complicated.

Here's a walkthrough for the entire mission.

  • Step 1: Guardians will have to head to the waypoint marked on their screen once they land on the Derelict Leviathan. This will lead them to a door that does not open.
  • Step 2: Guardians will then have to find an alternative route. This is also marked by a waypoint on the screen. This waypoint is towards the left of the closed door that they recently encountered.
  • Step 3: Following the above waypoint will lead Guardians to the Pleasure Gardens area on the Derelict Leviathan in Destiny 2. Here they will have to scan two phantoms. The first phantom can be found near Calus' head on the right side of the room. The second phantom is inside an enclosed structure towards the back of the room. Both these phantoms are marked with markers, so Guardians can't really miss them.
  • Step 4: Once the Guardians have managed to scan the phantoms, they will have to follow the Nightmare of Safiyan to a location. This location is also marked on the minimap. Guardians will have to keep following the marker till they come to a closed door. There should be an Arc conduit nearby. Destroying the Arc conduit should open up this door.
  • Step 5: From here, Guardians will have to keep proceeding until they encounter a Cabal enemy they cannot kill. Right behind this enemy is a partially open door. Guardians will have to evade this enemy and shoot the Arc conduit through the door. That should open the door for them, and Guardians will come across a room with a spore barrier.
  • Step 6: There should be an Egregore Spore pod to the left of the blocked doorway. Guardians will have to shoot this in order to get the Egregore link buff. With this buff on, they will now be able to pass through the barrier and into a long corridor that eventually leads to the Throne Room. Guardians will have the Nightmare of Safiyan leading the way throughout.
  • Step 7: There's a huge Cabal Automaton sitting on top of this throne. Once the Guardians interact with it, Calus will start speaking through this Automaton.
  • Step 8: Interacting with this Automaton will trigger the mission's final phase. Guardians will now be ambushed by a hoard of Cabal Loyalists in Destiny 2. They will have to kill every enemy until the unkillable Cabal appears again. Eris will try to teleport the Guardian out of there, but she won't be able to do so.
  • Step 9: Once this fails, Guardians must run through the corridors until they come back out in the open. Their jumpship will be waiting in front of them in Destiny 2. Once they come close to their jumpship, the mission should conclude.

As noted in the walkthrough above, there are no puzzles involved in Operation Midas in Destiny 2. However, Guardians will be introduced to a new type of enemy. These Cabal enemies have an orange-colored outline, similar to the ones seen on Nightmare enemies. The only difference is that these Cabal enemies cannot be killed. Whenever Guardians shoot at them, an 'immune' notification pops up.

The only way to go about these enemies is to evade them. Guardians will have to break their line of sight to evade these enemies. To make things a bit difficult, these enemies can kill Guardians with one hit in most cases. Other than these special Cabal enemies, this mission can also show the regular Cabal rank and file.

Moreover, this mission gives the Guardians a nice tour of the entire location. For older Guardians, this is a throwback to when the Leviathan Raid was a part of the game. For all the new lights out there, this is a completely new experience altogether.

Completing Operation Midas in Destiny 2 gives Guardians access to the seasonal questline along with the new Sever missions on the Leviathan itself. Once this mission is complete, Guardians will be able to participate in the Nightmare Containment public event, which also happens to play a significant role in the seasonal questline.

Overall, the Operation Midas quest in Destiny 2 is a very straightforward mission with no major twists or turns in it. If Guardians face any difficulty during this mission, all they need to do is bring up their Ghost. Once their Ghost is up, a marker towards the next objective should also appear.

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